• Wokumagbe, Ada Sege District, Greater Accra, Ghana
  • 3 March 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • $250

A Journey to Wokumagbe: Catalyzing Cervical Cancer Awareness in a Fishing Community

Subtitle: An Insightful Encounter with the Assemblyman, Chief, Elders, and Traditional Birth Attendants

Location: Wokumagbe, Ada Sege District, Greater Accra, Ghana


Nestled along the picturesque coastline of Ada Sege District in Greater Accra, the fishing community of Wokumagbe is a serene haven with a rich cultural heritage. On a bright morning, our team embarked on a journey to Wokumagbe, not only to admire its natural beauty but to engage with the local leadership and traditional birth attendants. Our mission was clear: to sensitize and raise awareness about cervical cancer, a critical health issue often overlooked in rural Ghana.

The Arrival

Upon our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the Assemblyman, Mr. Kwame Ofori, who played a pivotal role in connecting us with the community. His enthusiasm for our cause was evident as he spoke about the pressing need for health education in Wokumagbe.

Engagement with the Chief and Elders

Our next stop was a meeting with Nene Kweku Amegashie III, the Chief of Wokumagbe, and a council of elders. The Chief expressed his gratitude for our visit and shared his concerns about the health of the community, especially the women. He emphasized the importance of culturally sensitive health education and pledged his full support for our cervical cancer awareness campaign.

The council of elders, a group of respected community leaders, provided valuable insights into local customs and traditions that might affect health-seeking behaviors. Their wisdom would prove invaluable as we worked to tailor our awareness efforts to the community’s unique needs.

Traditional Birth Attendants: The Unsung Heroes

In Wokumagbe, traditional birth attendants (TBAs) are trusted members of the community, often serving as the primary caregivers during childbirth. We knew that engaging with TBAs was essential to bridge the gap between traditional practices and modern healthcare.

Our meeting with the TBAs was enlightening. They shared their experiences and expressed their willingness to learn about cervical cancer and convey the information to expectant mothers. We discussed the importance of early detection and how they could encourage women in the community to undergo regular screenings.

The Sensitization and Awareness Campaign

With the support and blessings of the community’s leaders and TBAs, we organized a cervical cancer sensitization and awareness campaign. The event featured informative sessions conducted by healthcare professionals who explained the causes, symptoms, prevention, and early detection of cervical cancer.

Local women, dressed in vibrant attire, gathered under the shade of a giant baobab tree, attentively listening to the presentations. The discussions were interactive, allowing the women to ask questions and share their concerns.

As part of the event, we distributed informational pamphlets in the local language and provided details about where women could access cervical cancer screenings. We also emphasized the importance of regular healthcare check-ups, including antenatal care, to expectant mothers.

Conclusion: A Collective Effort

Our visit to Wokumagbe was not just a journey but a partnership with a vibrant fishing community determined to improve the health and well-being of its women. Through the collaboration of the Assemblyman, Chief, elders, and traditional birth attendants, we took a significant step forward in raising awareness about cervical cancer.

While the challenges in rural healthcare persist, the unity and commitment we witnessed in Wokumagbe are a beacon of hope. The journey to eradicate cervical cancer is a collective effort, and it begins with engagements like these, where tradition and modernity meet to safeguard the health of women in rural Ghana.

As we departed Wokumagbe, the heartfelt smiles and expressions of gratitude on the faces of the community members assured us that our mission was not only appreciated but vital for the well-being of those we sought to serve.

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